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A Series of Unfortunate Events

Discussion in 'Television Shows' started by Neuropyramidal, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Anyone seen the new netflix show? Based on the children's book. I'm a few episodes in, and hope to finish season one this weekend. It's pretty good, and has adult themes and humor despite being based on a children's book. And the dialogue at times is really witty and smart.
  2. Jama

    Jama Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I just finished it.

    I loved it. NPH really pulls off the character in a more versatile way than Jim Carey did. JC in the movie was more of a goofy creepy type of character. NPH's Olaf is that but also meaner and more calculating.

    The girl who plays Violet is a spitting image of the Emily Browning version, which I find very fascinating. Also, the gal who played Justice Strauss (Also the mom from Home Alone) in the movie returns in episode 7 to play another character on the TV show.

    I really enjoy the goofiness mixed with tragedy and misfortune without it being as over the top as the movie was. With it being a TV show, they are able to go into more detail as well.
  3. WickedJenn

    WickedJenn Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    Thanks for posting about this series, I was wondering how it was. I got pretty far in to reading the books, but that was such a long time ago, I forget a lot of the individual stories other than the ones in the very beginning.

    I was curious how Count Olaf was going to come across, the previews seemed to do him justice, good to get confirmation on that.

    If I have the stamina I will try to watch a few of these episodes.
  4. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    NPH pulls off Count Olaf pretty well. Eccentric and entertaining, without going over the top into straight slapstick.

    I usually HATE shows/movies centered around children, but I liked this series.
  5. WickedJenn

    WickedJenn Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    Good to hear, because I am not really a NPH fan much at all. I didn't even recognize him in the trailer though.

    What pulled me into the series was how somehow that damn Count Olaf managed to fool whoever was keeping the children into the fact that they had to go with him (whatever disguise he had at the moment).

    But even more than that was the strength of those children, to endure what they do, yet they still get through it. I identified with them in so many ways, and I love how resourceful they are to try to get away.
  6. Neuropyramidal

    Neuropyramidal Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    lol, yeah the banker [Mr. Poe] is this uber gullible character who believes anything he is told. That's how Olaf fool's him. And all Olaf has to do is put on a hat and pair of sunglasses, and the banker doesn't recognize him.
  7. WickedJenn

    WickedJenn Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    Haha, that one cracks me up. It's the Clark Kent/Superman syndrome, such menial disguises yet they still fool the lay person.

    I do still laugh at Jim's portrayal, when he is Stefan :D

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