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Feb 26, 2019 at 12:06 AM
Nov 22, 2011
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Zombie Zoo
1st Half of S4

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Well-Known Member, from Zombie Zoo

STRINGS was last seen:
Feb 26, 2019
    1. STRINGS
      Went to the set of TWD this past Thursday, and I must say despite all the tight knit was pretty awesome! Saw a some of the cast members, watched a few scenes get shot, took in the town of 'Woodbury', and met a bunch of fellow TWD fanatics. Plus I got my drinks on the house @ McGuire's (so damn straight I'm plugging them!!). If you haven't been able to make it to the set, you really are missing out on an experience!!
    2. STRINGS
      Went to the set of TWD this past Thursday, and I must say despite all the tight knit was pretty awesome! Saw a some of the cast members, watched a few scenes get shot, took in the town of 'Woodbury', and met a bunch of fellow TWD fanatics. Plus I got my drinks on the house @ McGuire's (so damn straight I'm plugging them!!). If you haven't been able to make it to the set, you really are missing out on an experience!!
    3. STRINGS
      Any of my fabulous AMC/TWD friends need me on the STRINGS HOT LINE E-MAIL, it is: Stay 'Zombie' my friends...
    4. STRINGS
      Any of my fabulous AMC/TWD friends need me on the STRINGS HOT LINE E-MAIL, it is: Stay 'Zombie' my friends...
    5. STRINGS
      Didn't mean to erase all those messages from my friends...I got a notice to clear out my private messages and cleared out the wrong damn bunch! GRRRRRR!!!
    6. STRINGS
      Didn't mean to erase all those messages from my friends...I got a notice to clear out my private messages and cleared out the wrong damn bunch! GRRRRRR!!!
    7. slw2082
      haha, I WILL tell him that!! I agree with your theory 100%, can't wait to see what happens tonight! We always hear them asking have you been bitten or scratched? And we obviously know what happens when you get bitten but we haven't dealt with a scratch yet. Not that I am expecting anything different except maybe that is why it is taking her longer to turn. I don't care if she bites Patrica or Jimmy but I want Maggie and Hershel to leave the farm with the group.
    8. slw2082
      haha, I WILL tell him that!! I agree with your theory 100%, can't wait to see what happens tonight! We always hear them asking have you been bitten or scratched? And we obviously know what happens when you get bitten but we haven't dealt with a scratch yet. Not that I am expecting anything different except maybe that is why it is taking her longer to turn. I don't care if she bites Patrica or Jimmy but I want Maggie and Hershel to leave the farm with the group.
    9. slw2082
      I think that will be my excuse to talk the husband into buying a dishwasher. "But honey, it might but me in a coma, better buy a dishwasher just to be safe." hee hee. Can't wait to see what happens to her tonight! My opinion is she has to be changing, I am hoping they didn't just waste these episodes on her being in shock. I mean I suppose it could happen, it has to be a very stressful situation but I dunno. Just want something more I guess. What are your thoughts on Beth?
    10. slw2082
      I think that will be my excuse to talk the husband into buying a dishwasher. "But honey, it might but me in a coma, better buy a dishwasher just to be safe." hee hee. Can't wait to see what happens to her tonight! My opinion is she has to be changing, I am hoping they didn't just waste these episodes on her being in shock. I mean I suppose it could happen, it has to be a very stressful situation but I dunno. Just want something more I guess. What are your thoughts on Beth?
    11. slw2082
      I love that you thought Navarro was being a douche on Talking Dead after Nebraska, as did I!! What a freaking jerk, I wouldn't even care as much if it seemed like he was really a fan but stuttering, calling before the break last season and after the break this season, and not even knowing Dale's name. Nebraska was most likely the first episode of TWD that Navarro ever watched. He was only there to promote his album and if I was Glenn Mazzara I would have smacked him in his greasy melon!! :)
    12. slw2082
      I love that you thought Navarro was being a douche on Talking Dead after Nebraska, as did I!! What a freaking jerk, I wouldn't even care as much if it seemed like he was really a fan but stuttering, calling before the break last season and after the break this season, and not even knowing Dale's name. Nebraska was most likely the first episode of TWD that Navarro ever watched. He was only there to promote his album and if I was Glenn Mazzara I would have smacked him in his greasy melon!! :)
    13. STRINGS
      Nebraska rocked, Navarro dropped! Kudos to TWD writers for a GREAT show last night, and a big Philly boo bird "BOO!!" to Navarro for being such a pompous twit on Talking Dead! Navarro listen up! ...When your a guest behave like one, Tony peeing in the bar exhibited better tact and guile than your boorish comments about the show little man!! Mazzara didn't comment on your shitty guitar playing or your crappy reality shows "Ink Master" or your lame porno ventures. Find somewhere else besides an AMC venue to spew your self-inflating vile comments!!
    14. STRINGS
      Nebraska rocked, Navarro dropped! Kudos to TWD writers for a GREAT show last night, and a big Philly boo bird "BOO!!" to Navarro for being such a pompous twit on Talking Dead! Navarro listen up! ...When your a guest behave like one, Tony peeing in the bar exhibited better tact and guile than your boorish comments about the show little man!! Mazzara didn't comment on your shitty guitar playing or your crappy reality shows "Ink Master" or your lame porno ventures. Find somewhere else besides an AMC venue to spew your self-inflating vile comments!!
    15. EternalWreckage
      Hello again! I would love to go to a concert in NYC. It'd give me a reason to go back. My first visit was only a few weeks ago, but I'm dying to go back already!
    16. EternalWreckage
      Hello again! I would love to go to a concert in NYC. It'd give me a reason to go back. My first visit was only a few weeks ago, but I'm dying to go back already!
    17. EternalWreckage
      Hello there STRINGS! I thought I should stop by and leave you a message. Have a nice rest of the day and I'll be waiting for that reply you promised ;)
    18. EternalWreckage
      Hello there STRINGS! I thought I should stop by and leave you a message. Have a nice rest of the day and I'll be waiting for that reply you promised ;)
    19. STRINGS
      Well Howdy STRINGS!! It's me...just wanted to say hi (since no one else is) and that you seem like a swell & nifty sort of guy. (LMAO)....:hatchet:
    20. STRINGS
      Well Howdy STRINGS!! It's me...just wanted to say hi (since no one else is) and that you seem like a swell & nifty sort of guy. (LMAO)....:hatchet:
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    Zombie Zoo
    1st Half of S4
    Favorite Show Episode:
    Favorite Show Character:
    The Governor


    "BenStillerFaggot @Verizon.Net was already taken, so I had to add 69 at the end..." ~Zach Galifianakis~
    --Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that "velocity and position of an object cannot be measured exactly (precisely) at the same time."--
    :shining: :shining:
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