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Comments on Profile Post by ShaneFan

  1. Shane357
    I'm fine! Just procrastinating again ugh

    So when I procrastinate on my schoolwork I end up spending time here. At least I got my second exam for the planning your career course done. Then again it's the easiest stuff I've done though I think the times of me scoring 100% is over

    How have you been?
    Feb 16, 2017
    ShaneFan likes this.
  2. ShaneFan
    Procrastinating is fun!

    Same here--when I should finish my work notes, I'm on here chatting or posting. How is planning career course going? You scored 100%! Awesomeness!

    Honestly? This was a hellish week at work and I'm glad it's over. I can heap on the details if you wish. I'll only do so if you want to hear it. It's a lot.
    Feb 17, 2017
  3. Shane357
    I'm sorry to hear that :(

    That's fine I have time on my hands, though be warned that I'm not good at responding to what I feel XD

    I don't know what my score is yet, I was talking about last year with my psychology exams.
    Feb 18, 2017
    ShaneFan likes this.
  4. ShaneFan
    Thank you. It's okay, that happens.

    It's all good. I'll keep that in mind. Well...I have one patient the exact age as me. It's a reminder of one's mortality. I got into an argument with my supervisor. When a patient was being discharged for staying on for over a year, I was asked "what kind of social worker are you?!" I was so burned out that I asked to take Friday off because I had nothing left to give.
    Feb 19, 2017
    Shane357 likes this.
  5. ShaneFan
    You are very good with psychology, you have a solid understanding of human interactions, and the mind. I'm sure you did very well. Is this your second to last year? How is the career course going?
    Feb 19, 2017
    Shane357 likes this.
  6. Shane357
    I'm sorry it went that way :(

    didn't get it et. the school is in another state, so ill probably take a few days before it gets here. I think I did ok but whenever I think hat I get a B or a C xD
    Feb 21, 2017
    ShaneFan likes this.
  7. ShaneFan
    It's okay. I'm learning that I need to take more time off and take care of myself more. I don't do that enough and then I end up like how I did last wweek.

    I hope you get it soon. I'm sure you did really well. B and C is very good!

    By the way, I need to beta your fic. I've fallen behind in my beta-ing duties!
    Feb 23, 2017
    Shane357 likes this.
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