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Discussion in 'Horror TV Shows' started by skaaaa, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Tonight was interesting. Wu, again, has proved he's solidly one of the crew. He's great. Didn't fall for the dream sequence this time. lol
    Henrietta seems spooky enough. Hope she and Juliet get along and that she'll help. Curious as to what's going on with Renard. I hope he gets a good story arc. One that continues to include him taking his shirt off...often....*wink*
  2. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Episode 12, I think....

    Tonight's epi was all about Juliet. Turns out she's VERY powerful and her new condition is irreversible. She's not happy but it's coming in handy. She was able to protect herself against a very powerful Wessen, the Manticore bounty hunter after Nick. The Council is gonna have to deal. Talk about your power couple. Too bad she hasn't told Nick yet. I can see her hesitation, Hexenbiests and Grimms don't have a great history but he gets along with Sean. If she can learn to control her powers, he needn't see that "ugly" side of her, but he WILL have to accept her. In the trailer he made some iffy comments, he's gonna wish he hadn't.

    Loved seeing the pic of Diana. So cute and showing her powers already!!! Sean can deal with Victor. But next week it looks like we're gonna see a cat fight between Adelind and Juliet!!! I hope our girl kicks her ass!!! While I feel for her, judging by what she says to Juliet in the trailer, A. is still a bitch.
    #102 purriwinkle, Feb 6, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  3. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Epi 13

    Nice little episode. Nick has been relying on all the information from Grimms past to take care of business. Tonight he had to figure out what to do on his own...with a little help from his friends. Now he can add something to the lore.

    I don't like the way that guy Renard has working for him to find Kelly B. is actually a double agent. Hope Renard catches on quickly.

    The best stuff happens in the last minutes as it turns out!!! Loved the big Adelind and Juliet face off. Looks like Juliet's the bigger badass....and she revealed herself to Nick!!! He didn't look too happy. Hope they have a good home owners insurance policy. lol

    The the big news was in the trailer for next week. Adelind is preggers AGAIN!!!! Has to be Victor's kid this time 'round.
  4. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    OMG!!! It just came to me....Adelind didn't share Victor's bed after she had Diana. The only one she's slept with that we know about is NICK!!!! Holy crap....Is she pregnant with Nick's baby? That's gonna throw a wrench into his relationship with Juliet. Not sure it will be able to survive. Juliet should have killed Adelind when she had the chance.
  5. H5N1

    H5N1 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    Yep, I think you're right, Adelind is having Nick's kid..

    I can't see Juliet being ok with it.
  6. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I can not believe I missed Grimm tonight. I failed to take note that it was going to be broadcast one hour earlier at eight instead of nine. Now I'll have to wait until it's on the web site to view it. Damn.
  7. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Epis 14 and 15

    Finally caught up. The Wesson homicide cases were interesting as usual. It looks like Monrosalee will be taking a more active role in the investigations going under cover to help solve the crimes. Everybody is doing their part except Juliet who is still trying to acclimate to her new reality. What's sad is that Nick can't get his head around what she's become. He can't even look at her in her Hexenbiest form. I can see why she chose to leave. Maybe there will be something in the "book" that will shed some light on the problem even though Henrietta says it's permanent....and we haven't even gotten to the complication that Adalind is pregnant with Nick's baby!!!
    Oy vey....and that's not all. The King is having Vicktor replaced by someone else in Portland and from the previews he's hostile to Sean, who's been going through some rough times with a mystical sort of PTSD. He actually bleeds however so who knows what that means. Who will Adalind find to sleep with now that Vic is gone? She needs to find someone, other than Nick, who will think the baby is his. Maybe Hexenbiest/Grimm babies are a big Wessen no no or a big unknown as Grimm's usually kill Hexenbiest, not mate with them.
  8. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Epi 16

    Yikes! There's a new royal in town and he's a piece of work. Prince Kenneth. He's a mean, no nonsense, take no prisoners type, who must be something besides human cause he kicked Sean's ass in a fight even though Sean had brought out his zauberbiest. Sean's life will be in danger if he does't side with the royals in finding Diana. Sean also had another instance where his phantom wounds bled while he was on the ground. I hope it's not an omen of his death. Kenneth also knows that A's baby #2 isn't Vicktors...will she spill the beans?

    Juliet has decided to leave Nick!!! Good Lord, and the previews of next week's show look like she's gonna be taking up with someone *cough*Sean*cough* else..... really? Kenneth won't have to kill him, Nick will do it instead.
  9. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Epi 17

    Well, it's kind of official. Juliet and Nick have broken up. She's at Sean's and they had sex! Oooookay then, but I think Sean might be dying. He saw some kind of light and ghastly hands reached out for him while his chest started to bleed again. That sucks cause he's the capt. and the royal who is aligned with the resistance. Who can take his place? You don't want just anyone being the capt cause of all the Wessen cases they get so that bothers me. If they kill him off, I'm gonna miss that fine looking man and Sasha Roiz is really fine. *sigh*

    Juliet is getting into her dark side and she's after Adelind. Prince Kenneth thinks he might be able to use Juliet now that she's estranged from her Grimm, to find Diana, but I hope he's in for a surprise.
  10. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Epi 18

    Not your typical Wessen thugs but a creature from Native American mythology, the Mishipeshu. All well and good but in the meantime, something is going on with Renard that's not particularly good. He's doing things and then can't remember such as knocking a guy out who has hella cash in his wallet, taking it and then not remembering how he ended up with it. And Juliet is on a little power trip. First she makes a spectacle of herself in a bar and then gets arrested for assault, ending up in jail. Nick, who has been looking for her, goes to the pokey to have a talk. She says she likes being a hexenbiest, likes the power and she doesn't really see a future for them. He says he's gonna keep her locked up cause it's safer for her and she replies, "safer for you." Ouch.....down girl. Meanwhile Monrosalee are looking for something in that grimoire to try and reverse what happened to Juliet. Sean tells them he'll find someone who may be able to help.

    Next week, from the previews, shit's gonna fly between Adelind and Juliet when Juliet finds out A is carrying Nick's baby. Of course, Kenneth is there stirring the pot.
  11. H5N1

    H5N1 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    Can't wait for the next episode!!!
  12. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Epi 19

    Bitsie Tulloch must be reveling in her character's new role reversal. Juliet has really gone to the dark side and Kenneth is ready to milk it for all it's worth. Adelind tells Nick about the baby and while he's not exactly excited about it, he is willing to protect his unborn son....Adelind says it's a boy. But there's also the issue of Adelind being able to do something to tamp down Juliet's hexenbiest. Not get rid of it all together but enough to allow her to live a normal life....if the spell works. They all meet up at the police station and when Nick doesn't let Juliet kill Adelind she perceives it as Nick choosing A over her. Now she's seriously entertaining Kenneth's offer to work for the family. At the end she does the unthinkable, she burns Aunt Marie's trailer!!!! Nobody warned Nick about her being bailed out? No one took back her key? Well, didn't that come back to bite them in the ass. They ALWAYS go there when they need to do research. All the books, and the weapons and special herbs/concoctions must be irreplaceable. I'm sad.
  13. Jama

    Jama Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Nick's mom will give him her trailer. I bet her's is even more badass. She's probably got awesome chick Grimm things in there that Nick would never have like wooden stake tampons. Yeah that's right, I'm a misogynist. lol

    Wait.... Nick inherited his trailer from his aunt Marie!!! Obviously he did not find the wooden stake tampons.... and now he never will! BURN BURN BURN!
  14. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Who says Kelly Burkhardt has a Grimmed out trailer? Wooden stake tampons....whatever it is you've been smoking must be good stuff.
  15. H5N1

    H5N1 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    Poor Juliet, I don't think she could go back to Nick even if her power was toned down. Too much Jerry Springer crazy has gone down for that to happen. Nick sleeps with Adelind, Adelind with Nick's child. That's way too much crazy for a woman to take back a man..
  16. Jama

    Jama Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I say she does. And yes, whatever it is I am smoking, is amazing.
  17. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Well, it's entirely possible but she was on the run, presumed dead for many years, so maybe not. It would conveniently solve the problem of giving Nick a new headquarters but that would also mean that Kelly has to come back to Portland which she probably wouldn't given that she's hiding out with Diana.....even though flushing her out is exactly what Kenneth wants. In the meantime they're gonna have to rely on Monrosalee for info on unknown Wesson types.

    Yeah, you sounded stoned.
  18. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Epi 20

    I gotta say it. I don't like the direction this is going at.all. A few things were salvageable from the trailer and Monroe is letting them use the basement at the spice shop. Adelind is being cooperative for a change and there were some comedic(?) moments involving the exhumation of her mother and concocting the potion but in general things are going to hell. While it works and A's powers do seem to have been disabled, Juliette(I noticed she put the extra te to her name on the e-mail she sent Nick's mom) destroyed what was left of the potion. She also, as just mentioned, sent an SOS message to Kelly who supposedly is now on her way to Portland. Monrosalee has also sent for Trubel since they figure Nick's having a devil of a time right now.

    This is network TV. They aren't supposed to mess this much with your favorite characters. *pouts* lol I can't get my head around Juliette now working with Kenneth. While I might want to give her a pass, that feeling is fading fast especially with the ending of the episode. If she forces Nick to shoot Monroe it's all over. As it is I don't think there's any way to go back and she needs to be dealt with pronto. I also think Sean is acting like a child. He goes to Henrietta for help and when she tries to work with him he gets all excited and takes off. Now she's dead. Maybe if he had stuck around that wouldn't have happened cause we've got a nasty entity killing and mutilating wessen women. Stay tuned.....
  19. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Epi 21

    I don't know what to say. I'm bummed. It looks like Juliette is either destined to die or become Nick's nemisis. Monroe was saved but nobody likes her anymore. I don't believe reconciliation is possible after arranging it so Kelly is murdered and Diana kidnapped. Thank God Trubel is back but it didn't help much. When Nick sees his mom's head in a box he declares Juliette is going down. Can't come back from that. Kenneth thinks he has Juliette in his pocket but she may not want to be on his lease either. She may go rogue.

    At least we found out that Sean was possessed of an evil spirit he brought back with him when he died briefly. Jack was causing Sean to kill all those women but the team was able to exorcise him successfully.

    Next week is the season finale.
  20. purriwinkle

    purriwinkle Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    *corrections from the last entry- nemesis and leash*

    Epi 22- The season finale

    I figured Nick would come out guns blazing and everyone else came out to play with him. And heads did role. Since it's the finale...

    Nick's a single man once again. This leaves the door open for future relationships but I don't imagine this would happen any time soon. He was devastated even though she had it coming. I wonder if next season we'll be seeing Sean take up a leadership role in the Royal family or if Victor will make a comeback. I also expect we'll see more of Diana and we'll meet Nick's new baby. What role Adelind will play will be interesting.

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