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Pedophila and Mental illness

Discussion in 'Debaters' started by LadyGrimes, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. Biffster

    Biffster Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2014
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    What about children dressing up as women? Ever watch Toddlers & Tiaras?

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  2. Biffster

    Biffster Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2014
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    I find pedophilia abhorrent. At the same time, we tend to be fascinated by how some people can be that way, or we would stop talking about it. See "The Woodsman" with Kevin Bacon. A disturbing premise, yes, about a pedophile who has served his time, and an incredible role for Bacon to play. It does not condone pedophilia, but the film does go a long way to helping us understand. And yes, it is mental illness, like any addiction is.

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  3. Taeyeon'sBF

    Taeyeon'sBF Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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  4. Apollonia

    Apollonia Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    Like f*!uck it is. And i don't care how many reports from pedophiles or those that sympathise with them come up with to say it. Alcohol, painkillers, drugs etc., People who ARE addicted feel the need for whatever chemicals for the drug of choice to hit their system. This is why rehab centers have Doctors who assist with the withdrawal. Do they intend to become addicted when they take that first hit/drink? Most probably not. The choice to harm a child would be to KNOW it is wrong. To put the label of "addict" on a pedophile is ridiculous. AND it gives these habitual dregs of society a green light to harm a child. There is nothing in this world that would EVER make me understand them....NOTHING. I am in no way fascinated in how they can be that way, and no movie with Kevin Bacon will change my mind either. He played one in the move Sleepers too. And got what he and every pedophile that walks this earth deserves.
  5. Taeyeon'sBF

    Taeyeon'sBF Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    "Oh yes, my desire to violate young girls just cannot be quenched! I just can't stop wanting it?"
    Do you have any idea how DISGUSTING and stupid that shit is? When Pedos use the addiction excuse, they are trying to gain sympathy.
    Drug addicts have a neurochemical release associated with drugs, the main one being Dopamine, the pleasure neurotransmitter.
    Sex triggers the same thing, but there is no proof of any sexual addiction.
    You're right, its a mental illness, but its a worse one than addiction. Addiction can, overtime be cured. There will be cravings, but it can be controlled.
    Wanting to have sex with children can't be cured, and eventually the pedo will act on his desires.
    But thanks for lumping in Pedophiles with drug addicts and decent people with mental issues.
  6. Apollonia

    Apollonia Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    Mental illness? Pffftt! The most recent ring busted happened in Norway. 230 children and even BABIES saved. The arrested? Politicians, Police officers and to quote them "people of higher education". This group had methodically set up encrypted websites where70,000 other pieces of garbage like them can go and get their rocks off. Still think its a mental illness? My ass it is. The only condition they are concerned with is secrecy so they won't get caught. Most "addicts" do not want to be one. Pedophiles do. I seriously hope Norway is a pro Death Penalty country.

    Here is something to debate? Do i believe that convicted pedophiles be immediately put to death? Yes i do....painfully and tortuously and i would smile widely while watching it.
    #26 Apollonia, Jan 7, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
  7. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    I wasn't going to chime in on this, as I really don't know if it is a mental "illness" or not. These thoughts, pedos have, do come from the brain. I just don't know if it could be considered an illness. We, as a society, have deemed child predators as "sick". So, may be it is.
    I did see a 60 Minutes special about how doctors found a way to change a pedos way of thinking. All it involved, was an electrical charge, from a wire, inserted into the brain, behind the ear. They did use some convicted child molesters, to do a study on it. But society deemed it inhumane on the convicts, and it was never allowed to be used. The study did find that it was 100% effective.

    I know, that if I ever caught someone hurting a child, I would pound the F* out of them. And if it was my children, I would eradicate the sickness, from the face of the earth. Whether I would be sent to prison or not.
    #27 Sharpie61, Jan 7, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
  8. Biffster

    Biffster Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2014
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    Clearly you do not understand what addiction, mental illness, and pedophilia are. Defining it is not the same as defending it, and your opinion does not override the DSM. Pedophilia is not a "choice" as you describe it. Please educate yourself. You're talking out of your arse right now.

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  9. Sharpie61

    Sharpie61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Unfortunately no
  10. Biffster

    Biffster Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2014
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    You should do some research.

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  11. Biffster

    Biffster Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2014
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    I am not defending pedophiles nor do I think they have much hope for rehabilitation. But yes, it is defined in the DSM as a mental illness whether you like it or not.

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  12. Apollonia

    Apollonia Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    You know what Biffster? Do not talk to ME about education. Go f*&!K yourself with defending them. I do not give a Rat's ass what the DSM sais. It damn well IS a choice to these pieces of garbage. They CHOOSE to hurt children....they CHOOSE to set up intricate websites and take vacations to third world countries to abuse these children. And now they want to hide behind a label of mental illness? Yeah, so they can get their slap on the wrist in the legal system? Because that WHY they want to use that label. These are Doctors, Lawyers, Politicians and who else that gives a fu&*ck. One web md article doesn't make it true. It makes it an opinion. And my opinion on this won't change from reading it. Just because you can google it doesn't make it true or right. Maybe where you live.
  13. Apollonia

    Apollonia Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    Oh yayy, you can google. Big deal. And yes, you ARE defending them. Do you not get that the DSM does NOT set the standard for the rest of the world? Maybe there are a couple that sit on the board that decided to give the "mental illness" label to them? Wouldn't be surprised. And for the record, before you start thowing insults out there maybe learn about who you direct it at. Because the only way you are coming across is a pedo-loving buffoon that just HAS to be right. Do me a favour, do not respond to any of my posts again. People like you make me sick. I prefer the trolls.
  14. Taeyeon'sBF

    Taeyeon'sBF Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    Listen Biff, I got my degree in NeuroPsychology, and I will let you know that the DSM is shaky at best for giving a solid diagnosis for a mental disorder.
    There is no biological basis for Pedophilic feelings, and yes, I am aware a quick google search will get different results, but that is pure pseudo-science.
    By willingly lumping Pedophiles in the "Mentally damaged" category, thats also lumping them in with Autism patients (like myself)
    So let me ask you rapists have a mental disorder? Well they can't help that they want to rape, so they are just mentally damaged right?
    NO. If you were to look at the reasons why sex offenders target children its because A: They are weak and mostly defenseless, B: they are easier to gain their trust and take advantage of them, C: because its a taboo like thrill, like having sex with animals or raping someone. There are some people who genuinely think the child loved them, and these people are stunted in mental growth. Does that mean that they get a free pass? NO.
    The fact that you are defending (yes, defending) your statements means that you are willing to allow them a pass simply because they are damaged.
    Oh, and before you post the DSM article again, the DSM is not the say all be all of your arguments.
  15. LadyGrimes

    LadyGrimes Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2014
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    those kids don't have a say in that its their god damn parents that force them to dress up. That's no excuse.
  16. Biffster

    Biffster Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2014
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    You are a strange person. Do you even know what the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is? It's the reference used by Psychiatrists and health professionals all over the world. You speak entirely from ignorance, and you have cast insults worse than anybody here with nothing to go on.

    For the record, again, I am not defending pedophiles. I think they should be banned from society, but that does not make it acceptable to regard the condition as anything other than what it is: a very specific and defined kind of mental illness. It is not a choice.

    If you post out of ignorance again, expect someone to point out your mistakes.

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  17. LadyGrimes

    LadyGrimes Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2014
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    Pedophilia is NOT an addiction.
  18. Biffster

    Biffster Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2014
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    Who said anything about a "free pass"? Most people with a mental illness struggle with it their whole lives. There are no free passes. You just don't like pedophiles and don't want to see them lumped in with other people with mental illness. It's strange; having a mental illness doesn't give anyone license for their behaviour, but it does help to explain the motivation. I despise pedophiles, and I am also not satisfied until they are punished and kept away from children, particularly those who live or work close to children. I am not defending their actions. At all. But I am also not going to react in a knee-jerk way if I don't know much about the subject.

    The Woodsman. The protagonist is not really a sympathetic character, but the film does offer a great deal of insight. Better to speak from a place of insight rather than ignorance.

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  19. Apollonia

    Apollonia Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    Yes, and your opinion of me means the world. Listen you ignorant know-it-all piece of shit. I have more education then you can ever know. And just because ONE reference manual refers to it as a "mental illness", does NOT make it so. There could be a 1000 books that say the same thing. Again, it does NOT make it so. It is NOT nor will it EVER be a mental illness. That book and reference is an insult to every person out there that DOES have a mental illness. That which is written can easily be erased, disputed and refuted. And defend yourself all you want you google loving ignoramous. Have some friends that have this mental illness do you? It is MY opinion (and MILLIONS) of others that it IS a choice. Your facination to google will not change that. You are still a buffoon that just HAS to be right.
  20. Taeyeon'sBF

    Taeyeon'sBF Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    Lys, unlike you BIFF, is a MUCH smarter person than you want to admit. You know she is right and you know it, but you use the "I am smarter than you" excuse to try and silence her. You are the one being a ignorant piece of shit.
    And yet you keep on with your virtue signaling. "Pedos are bad but they can't help it, so don't hate them" You are a pedo apologist, but you keep backpedaling so you won't get called out on it.

    If you had not been a cherrypicking f#ckboy you could have noted I said they CAN help it. Just like addicts can choose not to do drugs. Its not like breathing or eating.

    Who? Sharpie? Westwingnut? This is not the Trump threads, they HATE pedophiles and won't back you up to bully [MENTION=50951]Apollonia[/MENTION]. You are an arrogant shill who is trying to screech his bullshit liberal teachings. Pedos will NEVER be accepted. EVER. And it doesn't matter they are in the DSM. So are serial killers, but that doesn't give them a free pass.

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