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Start to Finish, Complains and Criticisms!!

Discussion in 'Episode 608 - Start To Finish' started by Neuropyramidal, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. Tigger

    Tigger Active Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    At least, now, we all know the writers from Happy Days are still working.
  2. StoryLine

    StoryLine Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Eugene cant even protect himself....

    Tara & Rosita will have tough time saving themselves from this herd. Let alone stand ground and protect Morgan and Carol. But the writers are lazy. Next episode, we will find Morgan and Carol wide awake and kicking some zombies.

    Wolves basically chop people and carve W. The victims either turn or become zombie food.
  3. WalkingBuckeye

    WalkingBuckeye Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    I don't begrudge Sam for his "Mom? Mom?" thing. I actually thought that was a very poignant little moment before all hell breaks loose. I mean, you could tell that kid had gone 'round the bend from the opening. Big dark circles under his eyes, listening to something insipid and childish and innocent. He was trying to figure out who the monsters were and how he'd kill them--with Carol's very evocative warning in his head--and then walks into a room to find his mom covered in guts.

    BTW--did anyone watch TTD and hear the tweet that actor sent to Hardwick (and mentioning Jason Alexander)? Drew one of the biggest laughs of the night.

    I think the Wolf will keep Denise alive for a while at least b/c she's a doctor.
  4. hcopenhagenh

    hcopenhagenh Active Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    What annoyed me is that the Wolf didn't kill anyone. The Wolves were/are psychopaths. Everyone in that room should have been shot and killed. The Wolves invaded Alexandria to kill and steal. He is telling them to kill him because he was a bad guy and would kill them. Then all of the sudden he has weapons and doesn't shoot them all. They should have shot the doctor and the wolf. The Wolf is going to kill the doctor anyway.

    That entire scene made no sense. It was very poorly written and thought through. Poor writing, Directing, Producing is becoming a popular theme this season.

    What was the point of Deanna opening the door to shoot a few zombies before she killed herself? Wasted time in the show.

    This was another corny episode.
    #64 hcopenhagenh, Nov 30, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  5. TDogResurrected

    TDogResurrected Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Never ever EVER slide a loaded gun to anyone holding a knife on someone, NEVER!!! Hollywood does it most of the time too. The scenario will go 1 of 1 way in the real world. (S)He has a knife on a person, you slide them your gun, then (s)he shoots you and the person, AND anyone else (s)he encounters afterwards because they have a gun. OR you shoot (s)he in the face without blinking. True you risk the person with the knife on them, but what about the group that survives because (s)he isn't roving around with a loaded firearm. Moral of the story, KILL THAT MOTHERF&@KER MORGAN (or banish Morgan). That is all.
  6. Andy

    Andy Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    I'm going to piggyback complaint on characters being missing (which I think has become my most common complaint about this show the last couple years.) Can someone help me fill in some of the blanks?

    Where are the other Alexandrians? I figured the majority of them would be walker feed in last night's episode.

    Where is Deanna's idiot son Spencer? After his stunt last week of trying to cross the wire, it would have been no real loss if he ended up dying.

    Where is Aaron? He hasn't been seen since Maggie told him that she was pregnant. And didn't he have a boyfriend, Eric? I realize Eric is one of those characters who probably fills a "T-Dogg role," in that you only see him once every several episodes but at some point, you should probably acknowledge that he does exist, even if it's for a minute of screen time. Is he out recruiting?

    And the most obvious question: Where the hell are Darryl, Sasha and Abraham? They were driving home IN A CAR two episodes ago and still haven't made it back. Rick was able to make the (I think it was 5 mile trip) back to Alexandria from the RV on foot in the amount of time it takes you to blink twice. Yet this threesome is taking an eternity to make a 20 mile trip back to Alexandria BY CAR!!!. I had to laugh and cringe over Glenn beating them back to Alexandria despite the fact he must have been hiding under that dumpster for God knows how long. But that's a whole other confusing issue on this show that drives me nuts; the bizarre timeline that gets sloppily put together when we jump in time so much (or in this case, fake out the viewers with a maybe/maybe not character death.)
    #66 Andy, Nov 30, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  7. drifter77

    drifter77 Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    You might want to check Youtube for the prologue scene that aired during that silly sword show.
  8. Andy

    Andy Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    Thank you. I just went and did that.

    I wish they'd stop with the previews and prologue scenes airing during said silly sword show.
  9. Walker Caravan

    Oct 21, 2014
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    Any link to the prologues? I'm searching and seem to be mostly coming up with user reviews.
  10. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Good morning. I apologize for saying that last night. Chalk it up to exasperation. I agree with the other posters that he is completely messed up at this point. The bags under his eyes made him look like he was on death's doorstep.

    The sound track made it clear his ability to focus on anything was coming and going. His mother had told him to turn off the record player and be quiet, and even that direction was beyond his abilities. He should have been able to see the wisdom of doing that simply out of fear, but his focus was that shot.

    In a group fighting for their lives where no one is talking, kids pick up that no one should be talking. But he was already too lost in his horror. Note to self: If a frightened kid needs to be led into danger, put a bloody blanket over him and carry him out even if he is almost out of elementary school. Tell him to keep his fingers in his ears. Snuggle him out to safety. The body warmth and steady walking may calm him some.

    I read in a review that that picture he was drawing was of himself being tied to a tree while the monsters surrounded him. Yipes....
    #70 Lindigo, Nov 30, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  11. Benrai2k

    Benrai2k Active Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    Noticed on my second watch of the ep. He did draw himself tied to a tree with monsters coming for him. I am curious what exactly set him down this path of horror in his mind. Did Carol's story combined with the events of JSS really make him lose his mind to fear?
  12. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Yes! That tweet was so funny! The actor who plays Sam must be lots of fun. :)

    Re Denise, they left the supplies behind. Maybe he is going to march her back to her office.... I hope she puts something very, very, very calming in his IV.
  13. Benrai2k

    Benrai2k Active Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    The wolves kill and work as a pack. We have never seen the Wolves attack singular. He is isolated from his group and simply wishes to get back to them at this point with killing probably being lower on his list. Also they make use of their remains - and killing 6 people in the moment and not taking their remains isn't really apart of their code. They free people from the world and use what is left of them. Not viable in this moment.

    Deanna wanted to die fighting back against what was killing civilization and what had essentially killed her instead of just curling up in bed and blasting her own brain out. It was her way of being defiant - she knew she was dead anyway. So why not go out fighting?
  14. Lindigo

    Lindigo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Yes, I think so. Just temporarily. If he survives tiptoeing through the walkers and gets some sleep I think he will be okay--not a permanent issue as with Lizzie.
  15. TDogResurrected

    TDogResurrected Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I second the link request!
  16. TDogResurrected

    TDogResurrected Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Because your going to be eaten?
  17. Benrai2k

    Benrai2k Active Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    Which will lead to death and she is close to it anyway. Which is why she was about to blast her brains out.
  18. shhh its me

    shhh its me Member

    Nov 4, 2013
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    My complaint , because of Glenn's resurrection not only wasn't I worried about Maggie but also thought "Oh that looks close , but they will just Glenn her" Consciously thinking about the writers during the action really interferes with enjoying the show, I'm usually pretty good at just enjoying the show and thinking about it later, I normally rate it based on how long after the show it takes me to think back and say "well that was stupid."

    BTW why is Maggy's leg bleeding?
  19. batongal

    batongal Active Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Can Maggie climb up that ladder any slower?
    Where did Tobin go? He was just saved by Tara & Rosita!
    Why do people keep saving Eugene. He needs to go.
    Carol and Morgan didn't find it imperative to figure out what's going on outside instead they are focused
    on the peon wolf.
    Ron is an a hole. Can he even comfort his little brother for two seconds?
    ah lots of disappointments. this episode was blah for me.
  20. f9lse

    f9lse New Member

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Dude! does every character every scene have to wax philosophical? drenching in zombie guts again? motorcycle gangs? at least Fargo is on tonight.....

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